Bettering Our World
Our team at MoreSMILES Dental Spa views community involvement as a vital part of our spirit of service. We’re active in local churches, participate in charity dental programs, and organize relief efforts whenever the need arises. In particular, our team works annually to provide free dental work for the underprivileged and underserved as a part of organizations such as Louisiana Missions of Mercy and World Mission Partners – being able to help relieve these patients’ dental pain and see them smile makes it all worthwhile! Additionally, we enjoy sending cards to soldiers and veterans over the holiday season, and we’ve provided support to Safe Harbor Women’s Shelter in the past. We also served as a collection point for donations for Haiti after the earthquake, Tuscaloosa, AL after the tornado, and the Northshore after flooding.
Dr. Moreau and Julie are organizers and team leaders with Louisiana Missions of Mercy. Our team donates time and skills to LA MoM events to provide free dentistry for underserved members of our community. Since the first Louisiana event, just after Hurricane Katrina, LA MoM volunteers have provided millions of dollars of free dentistry to thousands of Louisiana residents who don’t have access to care.