Should I Worry About My Lips Getting Sunburn?

June 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Madelaine @ 9:09 pm
Close up of woman applying lip balm

When you go to the beach or plan on spending a lot of time outdoors, you probably make sure to lather-up on sunscreen. But do you protect your lips?

Believe it or not, your lips can catch sunburn just as easily as the rest of your skin. Summer UVs are no joke! If you don’t shield this vulnerable part of your smile, you could get oral cancer. Obviously, you’re going to want to avoid this. Keep reading to learn what you can do, and how your dentist can help.

Is There Sunscreen for Lips?

Yes! SPF lip balm can help block harmful sunbeams but will likely need to be applied more often than the products you’re used to. Every two hours is the recommendation. Additionally, SPF 30 is what you should look for, though SPF 15 will do in a pinch.

Besides using a good lip balm product, you can also mitigate sunburns by:

  • Drinking plenty of water. This will help keep you hydrated while you’re out and about, and that goes for your skin and lips, too.
  • Avoid intense UVs. While you could technically get sunburnt any time the sun is out, it’s more likely to happen during the day and on into the late afternoon.
  • Wear a sunhat. Or any hat with a face-covering brim. Throw it on after applying sunscreen for some extra protection!
  • Exfoliating. If you don’t know, this just means purchasing a product that will help your lips shed dead skin cells. They’ll feel nice and smooth afterwards and will also have an easier time staying moist.

You might be wondering why all this protection is necessary in the first place. As it turns out, your lips are relatively thin and contain less melanin than the rest of your body. These two qualities are what makes them so vulnerable to sun exposure and oral cancer.

Can My Dentist Help with My Lips?

Also yes! Your lips are very much a part of your oral health. Many dentists can perform oral cancer screenings, and often include it as part of every routine checkup. When it comes to oral conditions, more than you might think can usually be treated as long as they’re caught in early stages. That’s why dentists recommend coming in for a visit at least once every six months. These frequent inspections help you and them spot problems like oral cancer before they become serious.

If you like to spend a lot of time outside, follow these tips to take care of your lips, and visit your dentist to screen your oral health! Together, you can keep your risk for oral cancer low and your potential for a fun summer high.

About the Practice

Drs. James A. Moreau Jr. and Shannon O. Doyle make it a point to get to know their patients. They want to learn more about your oral health needs, concerns, and smile goals so that they can create a truly personalized treatment plan with results you’ll love. Both dentists are exceptionally experienced and qualified, meaning you can put your trust in their skills and comprehensive knowledge. If you’re worried about your lips’ sun exposure or oral cancer, call their office at 985-809-7645. Dr. Moreau and Dr. Doyle would be happy to conduct an oral cancer screening for you.

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