3 Summer Activities That Can Harm Your Smile

The summer season is in full swing, where the sun shines brightly, and the joys of outdoor activities beckon. As you soak up the warmth and embrace the adventures that summer brings, it’s important not to overlook the well-being of your smile. While indulging in the pleasures of summer, there are a few activities that could potentially pose risks to …

Do I Have a Sinus Infection or a Toothache?

When you’re in pain, you likely want to deal with it as quickly as possible. That can be difficult if you don’t know whether your problem is with your teeth or not. In fact, various types of facial pain can easily be mistaken for one another. In particular, you might have trouble differentiating sinus infections and toothaches. If you’re dealing …

3 Careers Where Invisalign Can Give You an Edge

Many adults are unhappy with their smiles but are too embarrassed to get orthodontic treatment. Some worry about how a mouth full of metal will make them look at work. For these people, Invisalign is an excellent way to straighten their teeth. Clear aligners are discreet, giving you confidence that can aid you in every part of your life. In …

Laser Reintroduction

Laser dentistry was first introduced at MoreSMILES Dental in 2002 with a diode laser certification from the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies. In 2005, we stepped up to the all-tissue erbium Waterlase MD, which was one of the first lasers in dentistry used for both soft tissue and hard tissue procedures. Where dental lasers had previously been limited …

What Should I Know about Getting a Dental Crown?

Do you need to prepare for pain in regard to a dental crown? Well, when you consider all of the ways it can help your tooth, it might be more painful to avoid getting one. A dental crown has both cosmetic and restorative benefits. Keep reading to find out why you would want to get a crown, what the process …

3 Reasons to Stop Fearing Your Dentist

As we head into fall, we kick off the season with a spooky time of year. Halloween means lots of frightening movies and scary costumes around every corner. As you check out Halloween decorations or take your child trick-or-treating, you don’t need to shudder in fear if you pass by your dental office. Here are 3 ways to conquer your …

In-Network vs Out-Of-Network: How to Maximize Dental Insurance

More Americans than ever have dental coverage. Although only 23% of adults in the U.S. don’t have dental insurance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates one-third haven’t been to the dentist within the past 12 months. Despite access to affordable dentistry, less than 3% of policyholders reach or exceed their annual limits. Let’s face it, dental insurance can be …

An Easy Guide to 7 Dental Implant Terms

Losing a tooth doesn’t mean that you need to go on without it. There are several different tooth replacement options out there to restore your smile and fill in any empty gaps that you have. Dental implants are often preferred because of their numerous benefits, but there are so many unfamiliar terms associated with them. Continue reading to learn the …

6 Things You Didn’t Know Your Dentist Was Doing

When you head to the dental office for your six-month checkups, you’re probably expecting your hygienist to clean your smile and your dentist to stop by at the end and take a quick look. However, there is a lot more to you visit than just that. Your dentist is looking for all sorts of different signs and abnormalities that could indicate …

Is Snacking Bad for Your Teeth?

Most people like to have snacks on hand to refuel their bodies and keep them going throughout the day. While munching on some pretzels or chips, the last thing on your mind might be your oral health – but it can affect your teeth more than you think. Here’s how snacking impacts your dental health and tips to protect your …