Does Sleep Apnea Ever Go Away?

According to the Sleep Disorders Guide, a whopping 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea. Plus, a staggering 80% of cases of moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea go undiagnosed. If overlooked, it can lead to memory loss, depression, heart problems, high blood pressure, and fatigue (to name a few!). However, before seeking treatment, many patients wonder whether the condition is …

Dental Implant Evolution: How They’ve Changed to Benefit You

If you were to look back at how dentistry was performed 50-60 or even 100 years ago, it would look vastly different than today. Not only have dental offices changed in appearance, but equipment, technology, materials, and even procedures are far more efficient, customized, and safe. The same can be said for dental implants. These unique restorations have been around for …

Benefits of Having a Family Dentist

Do you find visiting the dentist to be a hassle? With everything going on in your life, you feel like one more commitment could make everything topple over. Fortunately, there is a solution for people with busy households. By seeing a family dentist, you can get everything you need for each of your family members at one convenient location. Having one …

How to Protect Your Child From Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can cause a lot of pain and always seem to happen at an inconvenient time. It is especially difficult to watch your child encounter one. By taking preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of your kids having dental urgencies. Continue reading to learn some tips from your emergency dentist on how to keep your kid’s smile …

Are Sports & Energy Drinks Worse for Your Teeth Than Soda?

As the weather warms up, which of your favorite summertime beverages will you be reaching for to quench your thirst? It’s common knowledge that drinking too many sugary sodas drastically increases your risk of tooth decay. However, you’re not doing your teeth any favors by choosing energy and sports drinks instead. Read on as your Covington dentist explains how these …

4 Benefits of Custom-Fitted Athletic Mouthguards

While being an athlete may mean taking risks on the field, it definitely doesn’t mean taking a gamble on your oral health. Without the proper protective gear, you could put your teeth and jaw in harm’s way. This could ultimately cause you to have to take time off to recover. With high-quality and reliable protective gear, like a custom-fitted sportsguard …

How to Practice Social Distancing at the Dentist

The news is out – you can finally schedule a visit with your favorite dental team for a long overdue check-up and cleaning! As you walk into their office, you feel a sense of excitement at the thought of seeing all of the familiar faces that you’ve known for years. Then something occurs to you: what is the proper way …

Oral Cancer: Another Reason Not to Skip Your Dental Checkups

Your biannual visit to your Covington dentist is about so much more than keeping your teeth sparkling clean. They also play an essential role in identifying a wide range of oral health issues as early as possible. One incredibly important problem your dentist checks for is oral cancer. This dangerous health concern impacts more than 50,000 Americans every year, and …

How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

The next time you brush your teeth, take a close look at your toothbrush. If you discover that the bristles are worn down, frayed, or discolored, you may find yourself asking “When should I replace my toothbrush?” Not only are old toothbrushes unsightly, but recent studies indicate that using a toothbrush past its prime can have notable negative effects on …

5 Tips for Effective Flossing

You know you’re supposed to brush your teeth at least twice per day to keep your smile healthy. Besides your toothbrush, you have another essential tool at home to maintain your dental health. Flossing is equally important as your toothbrush to prevent common issues from occurring, particularly gum disease. While it may seem self-explanatory, many people don’t floss correctly. The …