Why Your Dentist Says Early Detection Is Key When It Comes to Oral Cancer

Anytime there’s a problem with your oral health, it’s always better for the dentist to catch it early, right? If gum disease is discovered in its early stages (gingivitis), it can be reversed, whereas, once it has advanced, you could be facing missing teeth and bone loss. The same goes for oral cancer; however, if found too late, it can …

Learn This Dentist-Approved Technique for Safe and Effective Flossing

Admit it: you’ve seen the look of disappointment on your dentist’s face when asked if you have been flossing. Maybe you genuinely haven’t been flossing, which is cause for concern, or it could be that you are but you’re doing it the wrong way. No matter the excuse, flossing is important to your overall oral health. If done incorrectly or …

A Family Dentist Explains the Importance of Baby Teeth

Most kids are excited when their primary (baby) teeth become loose and start to fall out. It is a milestone in their development and a noticeable sign that they’re growing up. But what if those teeth come out too early? Or what if they suffer significant damage? Some parents fall into the trap of thinking that primary teeth aren’t that …

One Dentist to Meet All Your Family’s Oral Care Needs in the New Year!

As the new year gets off to its start, you’re looking to make improvements in your family’s oral health. With the varied ages and dental health conditions of each member, should you consider finding a different dentist to meet each person’s needs, or is there an easier way? As you read on, you’ll learn how to best maximize your time …

Dentist Caters to the Oral Health Need for Women for a Healthy Smile

The Week of May 13th-19th is dedicated as National Women’s Health Week, which features information women can take to achieve better health. Although you may focus on your heart or other aspects of your general well-being, you may be overlooking another vital area—your dental health. Your oral health is directly linked to your overall health. To promote both, your dentist …