Dental emergencies can strike at any time. Knowing what to do until you can see a dentist is an important…
Why Your Dentist Says Early Detection Is Key When It Comes to Oral Cancer
Anytime there’s a problem with your oral health, it’s always better for the dentist to catch it early, right? If…
The Little-Known Connection Between Gum Disease and Heart Problems
Is it possible for the condition of your gums to impact your heart health? A local dentist says there is,…
5 Foods and Drinks That Help Your Gum Health With Your Dentist
You’re probably already aware that while certain foods can fuel and empower your body, others can harm it. Well, the…
Learn This Dentist-Approved Technique for Safe and Effective Flossing
Admit it: you’ve seen the look of disappointment on your dentist’s face when asked if you have been flossing. Maybe…
A Family Dentist Explains the Importance of Baby Teeth
Most kids are excited when their primary (baby) teeth become loose and start to fall out. It is a milestone…
Commit to Visiting Your Dentist This Year
As we leave 2018 behind, now is the time to create resolutions for the new year. You may have set…
One Dentist to Meet All Your Family’s Oral Care Needs in the New Year!
As the new year gets off to its start, you’re looking to make improvements in your family’s oral health. With…
Traveling During the Holidays? Keep These Tooth Care Tips From a Dentist in Mind
The holiday season is winding down and the new year is upon us. Time to start making your plans for…
What You Should and Shouldn’t Eat if You Have Sleep Apnea
This time of year brings all of your favorite foods, right? Whether you like sweet or savory, it seems like…