Surviving Cold and Flu Season With Invisalign

Cold and flu season is upon us, and that means germs are abounding in even greater numbers. For those who wear Invisalign trays, it’s more important than ever to keep them clean. So, how can you make sure you stay healthy this year while you remove and replace your trays on a daily basis? Your Covington dentist has a few tips to share with you.

A women sneezing in a park

Staying Healthy With Invisalign During Cold and Flu Season

Whether or not you’re typically diligent about keeping your Invisalign trays clean, there are some additional factors to consider when it comes to cold and flu season. Here are a few ways you can be even more successful at avoiding harmful germs so that you and your family can stay healthy this year:

  • Be mindful about what you touch. Unless you change into different pairs of disposable gloves all day long, it’s impossible not to get some germs on your hands. However, there are some things we can avoid touching, like elevator buttons or bathroom doors that encounter a lot of hands throughout the day. Using your elbow or grabbing a paper towel to open the door will reduce the risk of germs transferring from the surface of those objects to your hands and then to your mouth when you take your trays out later.
  • Keep your living and working spaces clean. It’s easier to keep anything clean when the area around it is also clean. While it is not possible to eliminate germs altogether, a clean home or workspace makes it easier to keep from transferring germs to your trays after you’ve touched something around you.
  • Make sure you have the container for your trays with you at all times. You have likely found yourself in a situation at least once or twice when you had to wrap your trays in a napkin or towel at a restaurant after forgetting to pack the container. This increases the chances of the transfer of germs from an object that hasn’t been sanitized. Your container is always the safest place for your trays.
  • Drink water. Drinking water not only keeps you healthy overall, but it also rinses out your mouth, which helps remove germs.
  • Clean your equipment often. Both your trays and the container they live in when not in your mouth need to be cleaned frequently. Before you place your trays back into their container, quickly wash it out with soap and warm water. Any time you are going to put your trays back into your mouth, do the same with them beforehand. This will make sure that any germs they may have picked up between removal and replacement are washed away.

It is completely possible to avoid catching a cold or the flu this season, and taking the time to ensure that your Invisalign trays stay clean and germ free is a great way to keep you and your family healthy this year.

About the Practice

Dr. James A. Moreau Jr., Dr. Shannon O. Doyle, and Dr. Israel M. Finger lead the team of dental experts at More SMILES Dental Spa in Covington. Their main priority is to keep their patients happy and healthy throughout the entire Invisalign process. They are passionate about caring for families and building long-lasting, trusted relationships. Have more questions about Invisalign? Visit us online to request an appointment, or give us a call at (985) 888-0668.