Are you and your family covered by dental insurance? If so, you pay for it throughout the year in the form of a monthly premium. It’s a considerable expense for many people, and too often, unused benefits simply slip away at the end of the year. Don’t let that happen to you in 2017! Keep reading to find out the top five reasons to visit the dentist this month — and how we can help you make the most out of your investment in dental care.
#1: Annual Maximum
In exchange for a monthly fee of around $50, on average, you may be eligible for anywhere from $1,000 to $1,500 worth of care per year. The thing is, this amount of money does not roll over to the New Year — so it’s not like you can save it for a later date. Taking advantage of the annual maximum by completing any unfinished treatment plans or beginning restorative work you need is a great way to make the most out of your dental insurance plan in November and December.
#2: Deductible
Your deductible is the amount of money that you have to pay out of pocket before your dental insurance will take effect. On the years that you reach your deductible, you will want to make sure you also get as close as possible to your annual maximum. When the clock strikes 12 on New Year’s Eve, you will have to meet your deductible all over again to begin receiving benefits in 2018.
#3: Preventive Care
Using your dental insurance isn’t just a benefit for your wallet, it’s also wise for your oral health. Your coverage includes two checkups and cleanings (with a set of x-rays) per year for a reason — because these treatments are the building blocks of a healthy, long-lasting smile. Taking care of these preventive appointments in November and December is a great way to make your investment work for you.
#4: Changing Terms
You may be comfortable with your deductible and the terms of your dental insurance this year, but there is no guarantee that they will remain the same in 2018. Insurance coverage is always changing — and taking care of everything you need this year is the only way to guarantee that you will get it at the price you expect to pay.
#5: Healthy Holiday Smiles
Even if you do not have dental insurance (and especially if you do), visiting the dentist around the holidays is a great idea because it will help to ensure that your smile is healthy and strong going into one of the sugariest seasons of the year! A cleaning and polish will also help you feel confident for every photo opp that comes your way this holiday season.
Now that you know the top 5 reasons to visit the dentist in November, what are you waiting for? Schedule an appointment with your dentist today.
About the Authors
The More Smiles team of general dentists is known for providing superior dental care in a state-of-the-art environment. To learn more about their services or to schedule an appointment and maximize on your investment in dental care, you are invited to contact the office at 985-888-0668.