Sedation Dentistry – Covington, LA

Feel More Comfortable
in the Treatment Chair

Woman with eyes closed relaxed after sedation dentistry visit

Do you feel a wave of anxiety, fear, or nervousness wash over you at the thought of having to visit your dentist for a checkup and cleaning or other treatment? If you have dental phobia, you’re not alone. Countless adults suffer from this condition due to bad past experiences and a fear of receiving a life-changing diagnosis, but we’re here to help make your visit a little less daunting. We offer sedation dentistry in Covington, LA, so you can keep your oral health on the right track and have a more relaxing visit.

Why Choose MoreSMILES Dental for
Sedation Dentistry?

  • Friendly Team That Listens to Patients
  • Multiple Dentists with Decades of Experience
  • Several Non-Medication Relaxation Techniques

Oral Conscious Dental Sedation

Man holding oral conscious dental sedation pill

Oral conscious sedation is great for patients who suffer from dental fear or have physical limitations that make it difficult for them to sit in the treatment chair for long periods of time. Before your treatment, we’ll prescribe you a pill to take about an hour before you arrive at our dental office. By the time you reach our dental office, you’ll feel relaxed and comfortable. We’ll guide you back to the treatment room and conduct the procedure, which will seem to flow by in minutes. You’ll need to have a trusted friend or family member drop you off and pick you up afterward.


Woman relaxed with nitrous oxide dental sedation mask on

We employ many techniques in our dental office to help you feel comfortable and relaxed that do not rely on a prescription. Nitrous Oxide, or laughing gas, has been used in dental offices for decades to help patients feel at ease. Unlike prescriptions, nitrous oxide does not require you to take any pills and you will be able to drive yourself to and from your appointment, as the effects will only last for as long as you are in your procedure.

Other relaxation techniques include: peace and calming aromatherapy, paraffin wax dip and hand warmers, heated aromatherapy neck rolls, warm blankets, earbuds for your personal music or the overhead TV, earplugs, and calming music played throughout the dental office.