Laser Dentistry – Covington, LA

Improving Your Dental Experience Through Innovative Technology

No, it’s not science fiction; it’s a better way to serve our patients. LASER technology is utilized by the dentists at MoreSMILES Dental Spa to make dental procedures more comfortable and with no drill. LASER dentistry makes the procedure go faster and promotes better healing. Many procedures can be done without anesthetic. LASER dentistry works by using light, air and water to make precise incisions in both tooth and tissue.

As one of the first dental providers in the Covington area to offer LASER dentistry, Dr. James Moreau has given lectures on behalf of Biolase to teach other dentists how to use WaterLase in their own practices.

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Why LASER Dentistry?

Safe and Gentle

Faster Healing

No Shots

No Heat

No Vibration

No Drill Sounds

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Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is the diagnosis given when a patient has infection in the gum tissue, which can lead to tooth decay, gum recession and bone loss. Depending on the level of diseased tissue, your dentist may recommend periodontal LASER treatment. With the precision of a dental LASER, our dentists can safely and gently remove the diseased tissue, preserving healthy gums. Once our dentists have sterilized the area and confirmed your gums are healed, your hygienist will take over your periodontal care with deep cleanings to finish clearing out the bacteria and periodontal maintenance therapy to prevent recurrence.
Learn More About Periodontal Treatment

Gum Contouring With LASER Dentistry

Someone may be considering gum contouring if they have a gummy smile or uneven gum line.

The LASER can recontour the gumline to give the appearance of longer teeth. Patients receiving gum contouring at MoreSMILES Dental Spa will experience a quick and comfortable procedure, little to no bleeding, and faster healing.

Frenectomies with LASER Dentistry

Dr. Moreau performs LASER frenectomies, or lip-tie and tongue-tie releases, using only Waterlase technology on a wide age range, from newborns struggling to feed to adults with limited function.
Learn More About frenectomy
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LASER Dentistry in Covington, LA

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